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FIU Unnoticed Radios

by Florida International University

For “Unnoticed Radio” we thought the radio execution as an experiment. We recreated two dating situations, using FIU students as talent. Although in the storyline we made it seem as a couple dating, one of the characters is actually constructed of the mix of five very alike voices from different students. The voices go unnoticed until the end of the piece where the explanation is revealed. The pieces ran thru the University Radio Station and other targeted stations, generating buzz and awareness among FIU audience, who were encouraged to get tested for HIV.


Cannes Lions Shortlist 2016

Ojo de Iberoamérica - SILVER Radio 2016

USH Idea Awards - BRONZE Radio 2016

AD:   Andrea Barreto
ACD: Victor Vetancourt
CCO: Ciro Sarmiento
Producer: Jorge Urdiain